If you are trying to learn the German language with the help of a German language school in Delhi, it is most probable that you will face a lot of problems when it comes to the grammar of the German language.
No matter what the language is, the grammar of every language is quite complicated in reality than it seems. Likewise, German grammar is difficult to grasp but not at all impossible.
In the following, you will get to know the most useful German grammar tips and tricks which are likely to clear all your German Grammar worries and help you greatly to learn the German language easily.
- Know when to cheat
It is highly unlikely that you will meet a non-German speaking hundred per cent accurate German. It happens because German is such a language which requires deep study to master the language.
Just like the various English accents, Germany to has variants of accents in the German language which comprises of Bayerisches Deutsch, Hochdeutsch, Plattdeutsch, SwitschischDitsch, etc. You must know that the Hochdeutsch accent is strictly advised to use in the business or academic environment.
Therefore, if you are keen on learning the German language by yourself, it is highly advisable to seek the help of a person who speaks Hochdeutsch.
The important German grammar rules are –
- Nouns and Vocabulary
- Conjugation and word order
- Cases and gender
- Take help from English
As you might be aware that German and English are sisters because they are part of the same Germanic group. So, take help of the same fact and borrow words from English that you can sue in the German language. However, pay attention to the word usage as many English and German words are spelt the same but mean quite opposite.
For instance, the English word ‘drinking’ is similar to the German word ‘trinken’. As you can see how the two words are different in spelling but sound quite similar to each other. Using such words can make it easy for you to remember the German language more easily.
Other examples to help you are –
- Water – wasser
- To sink – sinken
- To formalize – formalizieran
- To dance – tanzen
- To sing – singen
- Verb at the end
One of the most difficult German rule to grasp is that other than the main verbs, all kinds of other verbs always comes at the end of a sentence in the German language. For instance –
In English: I would like to eat ice cream.
In German: IchmöchteEisessen.
In this example, the verb ‘eat’ in German is placed at the very end. Another example to pay heed to is –
In English: I went walking in Berlin once.
In German: Ich bin einmal in Berlin spazierengegangen.
Here, the main verb comes after the subject which is ‘Ich’. Paying attention to the tense, ‘bin’ issued as the main verb and that is why ‘spazierengegangen’ comes at the end of the sentence.
German grammar rules are many but the most important one which will help you a lot while learning German is the fact that the verb comes at the end of a sentence in the German language.
Pay heed to the above top German grammar rules and make sure that your German language classes in Delhi follow the same rules so that it gets easier for you to learn the German language.